
The Joy of Christmas Amidst Adversity in Manipur

Fear and uncertainty taint the lives of people affected by the crisis in Manipur. What does the light of Christmas look like in this present darkness?

As we approach the end of the year, it is natural to reflect on what the year has held for us. This year we witnessed large-scale tragedy, chaos, and conflict. It has overshadowed our world and led to a state of irreparable division. In my home state of Manipur, the conflict between the Kuki and the Meiteis has lasted over 200 days. The outcome is a solemn and subdued atmosphere.

Fear and uncertainty weave themselves into the daily fabric of our lives. It casts doubt on our existence and dampens the preparations for Christmas. This holds true for all residents of the state, especially those separated from their families. Displaced people are residing in relief camps and families are grappling with profound loss due to the conflict. Closure is elusive.

No Ordinary Christmas

Amidst this crisis, as people of faith in Manipur, we ask ourselves how we can find joy and celebrate in the midst of this pervading gloom. How can we gather like we did in earlier, normal times? How can we worship together when warnings of impending attacks, especially during Christmas, loom large?

Today, families displaced for more than 7 months live in relief camps without any signs of resolution or resettlement. How can we sustain hope when there are no signs of change? It is daunting to celebrate Christmas the usual way. Summoning hope and celebrating joyfully seems absurd.

Yet, despite the lack of enthusiasm, we have noticed an increased compassion and generosity amidst the suffering. The shared experience of adversity has inspired people to rally together. People are working to provide essential resources, emotional support, and engage in simple acts of kindness in the community.

As Christmas approaches, there is a growing commitment to offer assistance to those in need. There is a desire to pray and celebrate alongside displaced people. The prevailing atmosphere has also encouraged many in the community to reconsider the way Christmas is celebrated. Many see a glimmer of hope in the darkness. They perceive that perhaps the current situation will allow people to contemplate on the true meaning of Christmas more deeply without the usual noise and distractions.

An Invitation to Deeper Meditation

Present circumstances may compel us to do away with the external festivities. However, this Christmas invites us to discover a deeper, more meaningful joy. It invites us to something that transcends the material aspects that usually accompanied Christmas. We can no longer focus solely on gifts, Christmas decorations, community gatherings, and feasts.

This Christmas will be one where we will redirect our focus to the real reason behind the celebration. In essence, we will be able to consider the true meaning of the birth of Christ, free from the superficial trappings of the season.

The struggle to find joy in the midst of adversity is not exclusive to people in Manipur alone. It also extends to other parts of the country and the world where conflict and suffering persist. How can anyone have joy amidst the gloom and doom surrounding us? (Ps. 13:1-2)

This may be one of the most challenging years in our lives without any apparent relief in sight (2 Cor. 5:7). Yet the crisis also reminds us, especially at Christmas, that our joy should not depend on external circumstances (2 Cor. 4:16). Rather, the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10). It comes from being in his presence (Ps. 16:11). Despite the gloom and darkness around us, the assurance of Immanuel, God with us, is a source of great joy for us (Matt. 1:22-23).

Good News of Great Joy

Our situation is similar to the circumstances at the birth of Christ. It happened in the midst of crisis, chaos, and conflict. In Luke 2:10, the angels met shepherds and reassured them saying, “Fear not.” Similarly, their message invites us to cast aside fear. Moreover, the angels proclaimed “good news” and not only of joy but of “great joy” (Luke 2:10-11)

Though we live in the most challenging times, we hope to celebrate the good news of Christmas. It renews joy, hope, and love in us (Ps. 4:6-7). The birth of Christ is a poignant reminder that God reached down to us, offering his only Son as a gift for our redemption (1 Peter. 5:10).

As we walk through this dark valley, the message of the angels is a reassuring promise of a Savior and a Deliverer. He provides strength, courage, and great joy as we navigate this tumultuous time (Ps. 39:5-7).

Our Redeemer Lives

Although our situation may not change immediately, his Word promises us that God is with us (Ps. 23:4). He walks with us on this journey (Ps. 16:8). He is the light in our darkness, peace amid conflict, hope in seemingly hopeless situations, and great joy in the midst of suffering (Isa. 9:2). His love and promises extend beyond fleeting moments of happiness (2 Cor. 4:7-9). He assures us that one day he will heal our hurts and undo our suffering (Rev. 21:3-4).

If, like many of us in Manipur, this year has been a difficult year and the prospects of navigating Christmas feels daunting, may you find reassurance in his presence. May you know that he is with you at this time. May we anchor ourselves in the promised hope of Christ, drawing comfort from his abiding presence even if celebrations may be subdued. This Christmas, may we rediscover the depth of God’s love and rejoice in the knowledge that it is his love that redeems us.
