
We want to invite submissions to the first-ever TGC India essay contest. We are looking for essays that creatively and contextually answer the question, “What is the Gospel?”

Every essay will be judged by the TGC India editorial team and council members. We will assess each piece for quality of writing, clarity of message, relevance to India, and faithfulness to Scripture. Each submission needs to be in the range of 700-800 words.

The winning article will be published on Christmas Day, and the winning writer will receive a free book as a gift.

Here are some ways to set yourself up for selection.

Keep it Clean

Good writing is difficult to produce but easy to read. It’s important to say what you want without saying more than you need. Make every word count.

Keep it Clear

Good writing comes from giving more focus to being clear than to being clever. It is better to say one thing clearly than too many things inadequately.

Keep it Kind

The most difficult things to say are easier to hear when we speak with love, gentleness, respect, and kindness. Write from your heart, to the heart of someone you love, as best as you can and as kindly as you can.

Keep it True

Creativity is not always saying something original. It is often saying the same thing, in a different way. Ironically, creativity does not come from departing from the truth. It comes from sticking to the basics and remaining faithful to the truth.

Listen to the Scriptures, pay close attention to its meaning, and you will find something to say uniquely. It will feel like something new and yet sound like something familiar, true, and beautiful.

Keep it Thoughtful

Your essay will be the featured piece on The Gospel Coalition India on Christmas Day. We will have our eyes open for an essay that marks the occasion, celebrates the gospel, and appeals to readers in India.

All the best!

Formatting Requirements

  • Submit your article to [email protected]
  • Please include the term “TGC India Essay Contest” in the subject line of the email.
  • Use Word (.docx) or Pages (macOS) format.
  • Use 12-point, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.
  • Document Naming: ‘<YYYYMMDD> <Author Surname> <Author First Name> <Article Title>.docx’; For example: (20241119 Sharma Ravi What is the Gospel.docx).
  • Limit the article to 700-800 words.

Submissions must come in by Monday, December 16.
