In my teenage years, a New Year’s resolution I often made was to read my Bible daily. Despite having given my life to Christ in my early teens, Bible reading often felt like a chore, another task on my to-do list. My trusty hardbound NIV would gather dust on my shelf until guilt would propel me to pick it up again. My Bible reading streak would last for a few days, only to be followed by the all-too-familiar excuse, “I’ll read it tomorrow,” which would extend into weeks.
However, by God’s grace, somewhere along my journey as a Christian, he rekindled in me a steadfast desire not just to read Scripture, but to immerse myself in it—to ponder, meditate, and truly value this sacred text. I realised that the God of the universe was communicating directly with me through these words.
Today, do I still yearn to delve into God’s Word daily? Not always. Often, it feels more like a daily discipline than a burning desire. Yet, by God’s grace, this discipline transforms into a delight as I discover that his words are sweeter than honey (Psalm 119:103).
While I do not want to offer a formula or a five-step program for treasuring God’s Word, here are some questions we can ask ourselves about our relationship to his Word.
1. Do I Approach God’s Word with Anticipation?
Job 23:13 says, “I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food.” To Job, God’s Word was more essential than food. He deeply understood the idea that “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Do we share a similar hunger for Scripture?
Meditating on Scripture involves tuning out the world’s noise to tune into God’s voice.
2. Have I Prepared My Heart Through Prayer?
Pausing to pray before we read the Word may sound formulaic. But prayer is the warm-up before the Scripture heavy-lifting. It prepares our hearts to recognise our dependence on God’s grace and gives us the opportunity to confess our need for him, saying, “Lord, I don’t have the answers. I desperately need You.”
3. Am I Devoting Time to Hear Him Speak?
In our fast-paced culture, we often expect quick fixes, even from the Bible. When we do not have an immediate “epiphany,” we tend to disengage. However, we learn to treasure Scripture by taking time to be still and reflect on it. Luke 2:19 records that when Mary heard God’s words through the angel Gabriel, she “treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.” Meditating on Scripture involves tuning out the world’s noise to tune into God’s voice.
4. Am I Learning First-Hand or Am I Content to Be Spoon-Fed?
As a faith-based content writer, I have published numerous devotionals. While I hope people find them helpful, I encourage you to read Scripture for yourself. Psalm 119:162 says, “I rejoice at your word like one who finds great spoil.” Devotionals are secondary aids for your faith journey. Dive into God’s Word and uncover its treasures firsthand.
When we reflect on the Word of God, we reflect the God of the Word to those around us.
5. Have I Looked for How Christ is Revealed in the Passage?
We often approach Bible reading as if it is a band-aid for our bruises or a guide pointing us in the right direction. However, seeking the heart of God in Scripture transforms our perspective. The Bible primarily bears witness to Jesus (John 5:39, Luke 24:44, 2 Tim. 3:15). When we see God more clearly and understand his Son more deeply, our appetite for his Word grows as the Spirit of God aligns our hearts with him (2 Cor. 3:18).
6. Have I Looked for Who I Am?
The Bible not only reveals God’s heart through his Son, it also serves as a mirror through which we see ourselves. It is a lamp to our feet and a sword against the enemy. It convicts, comforts, chastens, encourages, warns, strengthens, and exhorts. God uses his Word to conform us to the likeness of Christ, unfolding his grand and glorious purpose for us in his redemptive story (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
7. Have I Responded in Prayer and Worship?
When we use God’s words to respond to him, Scripture makes us come alive to him (Eph. 5:14). It is as simple as praying, “Lord, thank You for being my good Shepherd,” when you read Psalm 23. It is confessing, “Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me,” when you read Psalm 51. Scripture is not meant to stay on the page; it is meant to be spoken. Jesus quoted the Old Testament in his sermons, during temptations, in conversations with Pharisees, and even on the cross. To treasure the Word, pray the Word.
When we reflect on the Word of God, we reflect the God of the Word to those around us. The enemy has done an excellent job of convincing believers that the Bible is boring. Yet, when we dig deep into the Word, we uncover the glorious, vast, inexhaustible treasure—freely available to us in Christ (Col. 3:16).